Thursday, June 5, 2014

Before You Scream ‘SCAM!’

It is payday. You have legitimately reached the threshold allowed for cashout on a PTC site. You clicked on the ‘Request Payment’ button that has recently become active while singing your favourite song. You wait, and open your payment processor, checking the highly demanded cash. No new activities. You refresh your account or your browser, several times. It is still the same however. Not even a cent arrived. “Hmmm, maybe there’s a delay. Oh, well.” You continue your interrupted song while surfing the webs while waiting for your cash, or maybe leaving the computer while getting some chips and cokes.  An hour passes. A day, then a week. Instead of singing a song again, you now begin mumbling f-words, opening a new topic on a forum, then write in big 20 points bold red letters : “XYZ IS A SCAM!!!” where ‘XYZ’ is the name of the PTC site you were asking for a payment a week ago.

No, don’t. If the money does not arrive at your account, take these steps. 

First, don’t panic (at least not yet). Second, check your account page on the PTC site regarding your payment. There usually stated the current status of your request. If, for example, the status is ‘Pending Audit’, ‘Processing Payment’, or similar, it means your payment is being processed. At this point it is also important to check the corresponding site terms. If they pay within, say, 30 days, then it is still normal if your payment has not arrived after 7 days. Don’t ask them to pay less than the stated timeframe.

Okay, it has passed the time limit. Alas, there is still no payment! Scam? Wait, hold on! Third step, check again your account page. If the site is legitimate,there will always be reasons for it. It maybe not their fault, but yours. Check also their terms again to see if you have fulfilled your end of the terms. For example, some sites requires you to have the same name on your payment processor (ex.: Paypal) and your account. If your Paypal account name is “John Smith” and you made an account at the PTC site using the name “John74”, they might reject your request payment. If this is the case, then make the necessary corrections and resubmit the payment request. You might also want to notice the admin as described next.

Hey, I’ve fulfilled all those stricty rules, yet I can’t see my money! Fourth step. Contact the administrator, open a support ticket, state your problem and ask for rejection reasons and possible solutions. If the sites do have ‘honest admins’, then they will gladly assist you. Remember, ask politely, don’t just barge in and ask “Where’s mah moneeey????”

You have followed each steps to the letters. Hopping for a brighter future, what you meet is a mere disappointment. No reply from admin. Still no cash. Better yet, you get banned. Or, your account get deleted! It is time for the fifth and final step : Go ahead and scream!!!